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To encourage and motivate high school students of Vietnamese descent to strive for higher education, every year Au Co Vietnamese Cultural Center and the Vietnamese Academic Award Foundation provide scholarships to college-bound high school graduates who demonstrate academic excellence. Thanks to scholarship fundraising efforts and the support of sponsors, Au Co Center and the Vietnamese Academic Award Foundation are proud to announce the Academic Scholarships for 12th graders from the class of 2022.
The most outstanding applicant will be awarded $1,500, and the runners-up will be awarded $1,000 each. A minimum of three scholarships will be awarded. Depending on available funds, the number of scholarships may increase. One scholarship award will be funded in the memory of Mr. Louis Thu Van Nguyen.
Minimum qualifications:
● Students of Vietnamese descent/heritage who are currently in the 12th grade and graduating in 2022.
● Current students of a public or private school within the area codes of (415), (628) or (650). Students of Au Co Center are exempt from the area code requirement.
● Students who have demonstrated academic excellence with a minimum 3.5 GPA will qualify for the Outstanding Academic Achievement Scholarship. A minimum 3.0 GPA is required to qualify for the financial hardship scholarship.
● Students applying for the financial hardship scholarship will need to submit their parents’ tax returns because financial need will be taken into consideration.
To be considered, students who meet the minimum qualifications above must complete and submit all information and documents as listed in the application. The application due date is June 10h, 2022 at 11:59 PM if submitted online or postmarked by June 10th if sent by postal mail. Applicants will be informed of the results by June 24th, and scholarships will be mailed out soon after.
Applications can be obtained in the following ways:
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